What is PCOD??
PCOD(S) also known as Polycystic Ovarian Disease or Syndrome is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with multiple cysts formed on its outer edges.
It is important to know and to cure as it affects 1/3rd of the Female population in India.
PCOD is generally termed incurable and self-resolving by Doctors, but in Ayurveda, we are famously known to cure this "Incurable" condition in as soon as 1 month, with the average span of treatment being 3 months.
![What is polycystic ovary syndrome?](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/content/images/headlines/265/265309/polycystic-ovary-diagram.jpg)
Why treat PCOD??
1. It increases greatly the risk of contracting Type 2 Diabetes
2. There is an increased chance of complications during pregnancy
3. Increased chance of Endometrial Cancer
4. Conception becomes difficult and sometimes complications can make it potentially dangerous.
5. Can cause venous thromboembolism.
What are the symptoms of PCOD??
1. Irregular period cycle
2. Extra facial hair
3. Acne (Pimples)
4. Excessive weight gain
5. Darkening of skin
How to find out??
Do a simple Sonography called - USG Pelvis to find out whether you suffer from PCOD.
Treatment of PCOD
1. A person suffering from PCOD must compulsorily drink water in a sipping fashion ensuring that not more than half a glass is consumed in one go.
2. 1 tsp of Triphala powder, 1 tsp of dry ginger powder should be mixed. This powder should be made into a round ball by mixing it with til oil and jaggery. Have one such medicine ball twice a day just before lunch and dinner.
Using these home remedies, within a month, you should find that the cysts in the ovaries and the bulkiness of the ovaries start reducing and you can actually solve this "incurable" disease very easily.
Kindly share these remedies as it could help people tremendously changing their lives completely.
PCOD(S) also known as Polycystic Ovarian Disease or Syndrome is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with multiple cysts formed on its outer edges.
It is important to know and to cure as it affects 1/3rd of the Female population in India.
PCOD is generally termed incurable and self-resolving by Doctors, but in Ayurveda, we are famously known to cure this "Incurable" condition in as soon as 1 month, with the average span of treatment being 3 months.
![What is polycystic ovary syndrome?](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/content/images/headlines/265/265309/polycystic-ovary-diagram.jpg)
Why treat PCOD??
1. It increases greatly the risk of contracting Type 2 Diabetes
2. There is an increased chance of complications during pregnancy
3. Increased chance of Endometrial Cancer
4. Conception becomes difficult and sometimes complications can make it potentially dangerous.
5. Can cause venous thromboembolism.
What are the symptoms of PCOD??
1. Irregular period cycle
2. Extra facial hair
3. Acne (Pimples)
4. Excessive weight gain
5. Darkening of skin
How to find out??
Do a simple Sonography called - USG Pelvis to find out whether you suffer from PCOD.
Treatment of PCOD
1. A person suffering from PCOD must compulsorily drink water in a sipping fashion ensuring that not more than half a glass is consumed in one go.
2. 1 tsp of Triphala powder, 1 tsp of dry ginger powder should be mixed. This powder should be made into a round ball by mixing it with til oil and jaggery. Have one such medicine ball twice a day just before lunch and dinner.
Using these home remedies, within a month, you should find that the cysts in the ovaries and the bulkiness of the ovaries start reducing and you can actually solve this "incurable" disease very easily.
Kindly share these remedies as it could help people tremendously changing their lives completely.