Sunday, May 21, 2017

Weakness & Fatigue - Causes and Treatment

Weakness or Fatigue is not a disease but a symptom that could be related to or caused due to a disease. Weakness and fatigue reduces general efficiency and hence affects output levels substantially. Fatigue can exist even without physical exercise and this is due to mental exertion and stress which we call psychological or mental fatigue. We will also deal with this today.

As fatigue is commonly associated with many diseases, certain symptoms must be taken seriously, if noticed. These are 

1. Loose motions - A lot of people have constant loose motions wherein the stools are loose or not well formed. This is one of the main reasons behind weakness and can be cured by using these simple home remedies if not then visit a doctor immediately.

2. Sudden Weight Loss - If you have witnessed a sudden drop in weight with weakness and fatigue then immediately see a doctor and get yourself tested for TB.

3. Constant and Excessive Coughing - If there is constant coughing and weakness associated with it, meet with a doctor immediately and again get yourself tested for TB.

4. Dizziness and blackouts - If there is dizziness, blackouts and fainting, it could well mean that your blood pressure has a habit of staying low or suddenly falling. Use and keep packets of "electral" powder with you and whenever you feel dizzy drink it with water. Also get your blood pressure monitored and correct treatment taken.

5. Constant on-and-off mild fever or feverish feeling - This is known as jeerna jwar in ayurveda, wherein a mild lingering fever constantly exists in the body. This fever may not reflect on the thermometer but exists in a dormant stage. Immediate treatment for this kind of a problem is required by an ayurvedic doctor.

Apart from these cases, regular weakness and fatigue can be dealt with easily.

Ayurveda mentions 4 general reasons why there is weakness and fatigue in the body.

1. Excessive exertion - Over exertion causes weakness and fatigue and this is true for both the mind as well as the body, hence stress related psychological weakness is also a part of excessive exertion. Try and calm the mind down by using simple meditation techniques. Shirodhara and pranayamas (except for kapalbhati) is extremely useful for this.

2. Less intake of food - A lot of times due to work or due to an incorrect lifestyle we reduce our intake of food. It could also be that there might be indigestion causing a nauseating feeling that subsequently reduces our food intake. How to find out whether it is indigestion or not and if it is, then how to treat it is mentioned in this video. Using these home remedies appetite will automatically increase.

3. Less amount of sleep - Insomnia also causes a lot of weakness. It is of two types - disturbed sleep and decreased duration of sleep. In the former, the patient sleeps on time and for the full duration but keeps waking up hence not allowing enough rest to the body and the mind. The other type is where sleep does not come at all and the patient is lying awake. Treatment for insomnia is mentioned in this video.

4. Tissue wasting - If none of the factors seem to be true then this could be a probable factor. If so, please visit an ayurvedic doctor immediately.

Some medicines boost the energy levels naturally and I would recommend using the home remedy given below as a booster for giving and maintaining high energy levels throughout the day.

Ayurvedic Energy Drink - 

This is an all natural easily available energy drink that can be used by all age groups and is extremely safe and effective. It gives not just instant but also long lasting energy.


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